Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Interview with God - Do you inforce your will on us?

I decided to write this in response to a Facebook debate that I got into. If you wish to see the debate, go to my Facebook page and view it.


Here is my answer in the form of a conversation with God.


Me - God do you directly manipulate things like presidential elections and such down on earth so that who you your will is always done? Or do you allow men to have the free will to make their own decisions and do things how they wish done so that we make our own beds and then have to lie in them?

God – Son, why do you concern yourself with such things?

Me – Because I need to know

God - (with a chuckle)
Yes, I did design you with an inherent need to know the unknowable and to question things.

Me – So how about it? How do you work?

God – Let me ask you a question. If you knew the answer, what would you do with this knowledge?

Me – I would go back, assuming you are going to send me back. You are going to send me go back, right?
Id tell everyone back there…I told ya so!

God – And what purpose would that serve?

Me – (Shuffling my feet about and feeling rather nervous that God called me out)
Well, not sure about what purpose it would really serve, but it sure would be fun.

God – So it would be fun to you to prove others wrong?

Me – uh…. well……ya know……

God - How about it?

Me – Well, they are all morons.

God – I created all those people down there in my image.

Me – (Feeling about 2” tall realizing that I just called God a moron)

God – My son, I love you, I love them all. You are all my children. You are a father. I know your little girl very very well. She is a blessing to me.

Me – (Feeling pride that God knows my daughter)

God – How do you work in your daughter’s life?

Me – What do you mean God?

God – Do you manipulate things in your daughter’s life so that her life conforms to your will? Or do you allow her to use her free will, make her own decisions and “lie in her own bed that she created?”

Me – I do both. When she was a baby, I made all of the decisions for her. She was totally dependent on me to do it all for her. She was a baby, so she could not do anything herself.

Now that she is older, she is learning to make some of her own decisions and do some things herself. But she is not able to do it all. She needs me to protect her and keep her safe from the things that she is just too naive and inexperienced to know yet.

As she grows into an adult, she will depend on me less and less. She will learn to be independent and create her own life, hopefully using what I taught her as a guide. But I will always be there when she needs me to step in and make any decisions and do anything that she needs me to.

God – Well put my Son. Do you think I would do any less for my kids?

Me – Well, no. So are you saying that both are true? How can that be?

God – Just like you do with your daughter, I work with my children as needed. There are times when I need to do everything for you. Like when you were new in me and you were just learning to walk.

There are times when I step back and allow you to make your own mistakes. But even in these times, I am always there to pick you up when you fall or protect you when you get into trouble.

Me – How can you override our free will?

God – Lets say that you are on the 2nd story of the mall. There is railing that is there to protect anyone from falling to the floor below. Your daughter decides that she wants to climb this railing to get a better view, because she saw a really cute baby on the 1st floor. Would you allow this?

Me – Of course not. I love my daughter and would protect her even if it meant my own life.

God – So you would circumvent her free will and impose your own?

Me - If it meant protecting her from death. Yeah, you bet I would!!

God – And what about other times in her life?

Me – What do you mean?

God – Are there any other times that you would not allow her to make her own decisions?

Me – Yes.
She is not always capable of making the right decision. Like the other day when she was making brownies in her Easy Bake Oven. When they were done, she was about to stick her bare hand inside the oven to take out the hot pan. We stopped her and told her to use the tool that the manufacturer provided.

God – Why would you not allow her to put her bare hand in the oven?

Me – Because I knew that it would hurt her.

God – I see. So you can circumvent her free will when you know that it is needed to prevent her from harm.

Me – Sure, there are plenty of times like this. She is only 8 ya know.

God – Yes. I created her ya know. Are there any other times that you don’t allow her to do what she wants to do?

Me – Well, sure there are.

God – Like what?

Me –Right now, she attends public school. But there will probably come a time when we will pull her from public school and either home school her or get her into one of those public schools through the internet.

God – And why would you do that?

Me – We don’t want the public school system to ram homosexuality, and evolution down her throat. We want her to know you and learn the truth about how she should be and how to world was created. Lots of junk in public schools ya know.

God – Aren’t your interfering with her life?

Me - Well... yes. But she does not know what is best for her? She does not know what school she should attend, Or what kind of education she needs. We make these decisions for her because she does not know what is best for her and we do.

God – Do you allow her to make her own decisions as well?

Me - Sure. She makes more and more decisions on her own as she gets older. She sometimes makes her own breakfast now. The other day, she even made me nachos.

God – :) I know you love your Nachos.

Me - Sometimes we even allow her to do things that we know are not going to work out very well so that she can learn that she needs to do it differently next time.

God – It sounds like you are a pretty good parent my son.

Sometimes you make decisions that will protect your daughter.
Sometimes you direct her life in the way that you know it needs to go.
Sometimes you allow her to make her own decisions.
Sometimes you allow her to make decisions that you know are mistakes because you know that it’s the only way that she will learn from them.

But in everything, you are right there beside her to keep her from harm, even willing to give your own life for her, because you love her with all your heart.

Me – Yes, but what about us?

God - Don’t you see my son? This is exactly how I work with my kids.