Monday, September 17, 2012

How to not get anything done

It has been a little while since I have written anything. My apologies for that.

What I want to talk about today is actually something that I have had in my mind for a long time. As Christians, we have it really good. We have a big huge God that can, and does, do big huge things.

Our God is the biggest, baddest, coolest, most creative, God out there. Ok, actually he is the only God out there. But you get my point, right?

As Christians, we have access to everything that God has to offer. We should be running the best and most successful businesses. We should be the most creative people around. We should be coming up with the best ideas. The unsaved should be coming to us for wisdom and advice.

But this does not seem to be happening. In the non-Christian world, people get things done. If you have a good idea, and you are not afraid, you just get out there and do it. It takes hard work and persistence, but they stick with it, and dont give up, they get things done.

I think that we as Christians need to take a lesson from the non-Christians. They get things done. We dont. Why is this?

One of the biggest excuses I hear for this is; "Im praying about it", or "Im waiting on God". Or the double whammy, which is just combining the two. I am praying about it and waiting on God.

It reminds me of the Double Dog dare in reverse. You remember the Double Dog Dare right? Its from the movie; "The Christmas Story". The one with that great old line; "You'll shoot your eye out!

When I hear this double whammy, I can just about put money on it that they will never go anything about their idea.

I hear this all the time. Christians that have good ideas for ministries, and businesses. I ask them about their ideas and they tell me that they are waiting on God. 10 years goes by and I see that person still has not done anything. So I ask them again and again they give me the same answer. "Oh, Im still waiting on God and praying about it.

What they really mean is; "its just too hard and Im afraid to try. So Im going to sit right here on my brains and pin the excuse on God."

But why is it that we do this? Why do we use God as a crutch and excuse to fail? You remember that old saying right? You can only fail when you dont try.

Im not saying that we should not wait on God. Im not even saying that we should not pray about things. What I am saying is that we seem to not want to try. Be it because of the fear of failure, or laziness or whatever. Then when the idea that we had does not pan out because we never even bothered to try, we can use God as a Scape Goat.

Its God's fault because he never gave me the green light to create the business. Its God's fault because he never answered my prayer. I love those commercials on TV where you see a man and a woman that just met for a blind date. They both say something to the other person that is all polite. But then you see a caption balloon above their head that tells us what they really meant.

What those people really mean to say is; "God never parted the clouds, like on Monty Python, and told me in a

loud booming voice that I was to go and start that business." "I got tired of waiting. Im angry now that God never answered. So Im going to just do nothing out of spite. That will show God who is boss round here. And the best part is that I can put all the blame on him by using the excuse that Im praying about it and Waiting on God."

In my next blog entry I will cover some ideas on why we do this, why its not God, and how to fix it.

Im praying about this next blog and waiting on God !


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