Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Is anyone out there?

Many of us wonder, at least at some time in our lives, if God is really there. And if so, does he care? Rationally, intelligently, and logically, we know he must be there. To believe that this world, us, and the universe just poofed into existence without there being an intelligence behind it, is just plain nuts.

Of course there is a God. The question is; "How much is God really involved in the day to day operation of our lives and this world?"

I have not come up with a good answer for this. I say a good answer because I know the answer that I have is not going to be the one that many are going to want to hear, or accecpt.

Is God there? Sure he is. Thats a given, but just how much is he involved in our lives and in this world? Well, we are told that God has the very number of hairs on your head numbered? Really? Does God have nothing better to do than sit around and count the hairs on peoples heads?

Sounds pretty boring and monotonous to me. Of course these days, I seem to have a few less than I used to, so maybe it would not take that long. I think what God is trying to say here is that he cares. Im pretty sure that you would really have to care a lot about someone to take the time to count hairs on their body. I would not even do that for my wife!

So God cares! Well, duh...

This still does not tell me how much he is involved and how much he intervenes in our lives. The longer I live here in this earth, the more I think that we dont need God and Satan to make our lives better or worse.

(Before I get in trouble for that one, I will explain just a bit. Of course our lives are better off with God, but ultimately, you can live life on this earth with or without God or Satan in your life. Im not going to get into a full blown explanation on that as it would take up the entire bog all by itself and that is not what I wish to talk about here)

We do a pretty good job of bad things happening in our lives all by ourselves. I am sure that God and Satan applies influences at times, but for the most part, I think things in our lives and this world are on a sort of auto pilot.

Take that commercial that you see on TV. A woman parks her car on the side of a busy street and opens up her car door to get out. A car comes screaming by and takes her car door off its hinges. Now, was this Gods fault? Was this Satan's fault?

Sure God or Satan could have intervened and caused this car to come by just as she opened up her car's door, but chances are that neither of them had a thing to do with it. The woman should have known better than to open up her car door without so much as looking to see if a car was coming!

As humans, we do dumb things. This is the moral of that TV commercial.

We really don't need any help from either God or Satan to get the job done.

Its like that movie by Madia, I can do bad all my myself..

Am I saying that God and Satan don't do things in our lives and here on earth? Of course not. Genesis 28:12 tells us that angels are constantly coming and going from Heaven to Earth. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that Satan is roaming about as a lion looking for someone to devour. But the question still remains of just how much direct intervention God and Satan use in my life and yours.

When God created the world, he set certain things in motion. He put rules, and principles in place to govern how to world, the universe, and us, work. Gravity for example. God does not wake up in the morning and say to himself; Darn, I forgot to turn gravity on today. People are starting to float away. I had better do something about that".

No, gravity just works. God does not have to do a cotton pickin thing for it to work. Another example are our hearts. God does not all of the sudden remember something and say to himself; "DagNabit, I had better turn on Sam's heart soon before the poor old guy falls over. I knew I was forgetting something". No, Sam's heart just works with no influence or action from Sam, God, Satan, or anyone else.

Lets take another example for example. I hate summer time. Always have. Every year comes along and I pray to God to please see me through another year of heat. I prefer the cold and I am not alone in this. But there are just as many people out there that are praying to keep summer around because they hate the cold.

What is God to do with prayers like this?

If God was to cancel Summer and move right to Winter, he would make enemies of the people that like summer and are praying for it to stay. If God keeps summer going and cancels Winter, he makes enemies of the people that love the winter. So to make everyone happy, God stays out of it and takes a Neutral stance, like Switzerland.

You can see the same in any good manager or business owner. Its not possible to make everyone happy, so the best course of action is usually to not even try. Just let things happen as they are going to happen. I think in many things in this world, the universe, and our lives, God does the same thing.

God even tells us as much in Matthew 5:45 and in many other places. God is telling us that he does not take sides. Good things and bad things fall on both good and bad people. Its a bad idea to take sides. Anyone that has kids knows its a very bad idea to favor one child over the other. You just cant do something for 1 and not do it for the other. So often, its best to just stay neutral and let the chips fall where they will fall.

Sure, God gives favor to those that follow him. Psalm 84:11. But that favor does not mean that we will live a live with no pain, and no problems. In fact, God told us just the opposite. John 16:33 tells us that we will have trouble in this world. In fact, when we become Christians, we are going to face even more. 2 Timothy 3:12.

Am I saying that God does not care and he does not intervene when he can? Of course Im not. God cares and does take care of his Children. Often when you have a child, and that Child is in trouble, the best thing that you can do is nothing at all.

Sit back and let things just happen the way they were meant to happen. This is how we learn and grow. If God was to step in and take control of every little issue and problem that we faced and work it out for us, we would never learn how to do it ourselves!

So is God up there? Of course he is. But he often chooses not to interfere but just stay neutral. Its for our own good.

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